Cheetah’s description
I am the quickest terrestrian animal in the world ! I can reach up to 90kph in a few seconds, but my body can’t hold this speed very long, just long enough to catch my prey.
1.0 to 1.15 meter long
30 to 70
Where do I live ?
I live in savannah in Africa and in Iran (Asia).
Which threats ?
Urbanization (which is the spreading of cities) and agricultural lands took almost 90 % of my territory away from me. Henceforth, I withdrew from the few areas where I am not protected.
Kiwiwho’s word to save the cheetah
In order to save me, I need a bit more space ! I need a vast territory to find enough prey to feed on. Moreover, I am one of the hunters’favorite african trophies. I hope that soon, I could not be hunted by anyone anymore.
You too, help us to raise awareness about cheetah’s fate !
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