Chimpanzee’s description
I am one of the most intelligent specie on Earth. Logic, I am also one of the closest relative to humans with 98 % of genes in common. For example, I am able to make tools that help me to feed.
Very threatened
Up to 1.7 meter
26 to 70
Where do I live ?
I live in Africa, in 22 different countries. I can be found in the equatorial forests.
Les menaces qui pèsent sur les chimpanzés
Des braconniers me chassent pour ma viande ou pour domestiquer mes petits.
Poachers hunt me for my meat or to domesticate my offspring. Men cut the wood of my forests in order to sell it or grow plants instead, so I lose my territory and can’t go anywhere else.
Kiwiwho’s word to save the chimpanzee
To save me, my forests must be protected, and inhabitants need to be sensitized about my loss so they stop hunting me. Law also must be more respected, because I am a protected animal !
You too, help us to raise awareness about chimpanzee’s fate
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